There are various shopping facilities in Münstermaifeld:
In Münstermaifeld there are several places where you can eat well. But even if you want to go fast, there is something for you.
You can find all restaurant recommendations here:
The horses on the farm are private horses, which are occasionally available for riding lessons. Please always discuss your desire to ride with us in advance so that we can see if it fits and schedule it.
We always try to fulfill riding wishes, but it is not a guaranteed service.
In the yard there is a sauna, which is connected to the dream apartment “Jolly Jumper”. The special apartment “Spirit” also has access to the sauna. It can be used only from one apartment at a time.
The recreation room can be used free of charge.
You can find all other additional services (free of charge or for a fee) here:
Covered wagon driving and other great leisure activities/excursion destinations can be found here:
Weinproben und Weinwanderungen sowie weitere tolle Freizeitaktivitäten und Ausflugsziele findest Du hier: